Diabetic24.com is owned by
Diabetyk24 Sp. z o.o.
Warszawa 02-495,
ul. Traktorzystów 28D
Telephone: +48 22 464 86 86
E-mail: sklep@diabetyk24.pl
Since 2010 we suply medical devices to diabetics. Diabetyk24.pl is the biggest e-commerce in Poland that focuses on diabetes, we also have stationary medical stores is Warsaw, Krakow, Katowice, Wroclaw, Poznan, Lódź, Gdansk. We are a distributor or subdistributor of main diabetes brands and we are respected by health profesionals and patients for our reliability and patiend oriented attidude.
You can check opinions about us here: https://www.opineo.pl/opinie/diabetyk24-pl /